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Managing Stress in the Workplace

Updated: Aug 6

Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Frustrated? Are you burning the candle at both ends? You might be heading toward burnout and you’re not alone. 

The United States and Canada had some of the highest levels of workplace stress, according to a 2020 Gallup World Survey, putting North American employees at high risk for burnout.

Stress in the workplace can stem from various factors, such as heavy workloads, tight deadlines, lack of autonomy, unclear expectations, poor communication, conflicts with colleagues or supervisors, job insecurity, and work-life imbalance.

So what can you do about it?

If you have a job that has busy seasons, it's important to create a safe, nurturing environment for yourself during that time period.

Block out time on your calendar before the busy season to prep, during for extra rest, and after, so you can ease back into the tasks that may have fallen by the wayside.

"Preparation prevents perspiration!" -Unknown

Here are some additional tips to help you manage stress:

1. Set boundaries: Communicate to friends, family, and colleagues that this is a stressful time and you won't be available to help with or attend certain events.

2. Nourish Your Body: Meal prep healthy foods and snacks. Stash them in your desk, in your car, in your work bag.

3. Take breaks: Schedule time for breaks during the day and rest after work.

4. Move your Body: Make exercise a priority. Walk outside or find fun ways to move for at least 30 minutes daily.

5. Design Your Space: Make your office more comfortable, welcoming, and inspiring. You could add flowers, a plant, or a candle to the space to alert your senses.

6. Get a good night's sleep: avoid alcohol and any other foods or drinks that may disrupt your sleep and energy.

7. Mindfulness Activities/Meditation: Slow down, pause, take 10 slow breaths; journal- let out any frustrations and then crumble it up, & throw it away; end your day with gratitude; make time for hobbies.

8. Ask for help and delegate: If funds allow, hire a food service to deliver healthy meals or a housekeeper. Let your family know that you are feeling overwhelmed and list ways they can support you.

These are just a few ways that you can provide the nurture and care that you need during stressful times. Most importantly, listen to your body, and do what feels right for you. There is no right or wrong way to take care of yourself.

If these feelings are consuming you and feel out of your control, seek professional help.


If you're ready to feel better in your body, so you can thrive personally and professionally, send me a message. I have options for virtual and in-person sessions (if you're in Maryland).

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