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Protecing your Energy at Work

Do you ever feel drained at the end of your workday or like you're dragging yourself to the finish line as you near the weekend?

Protecting your energy and time at work can improve your overall well-being and prevent burnout.

Here are 6 tips to help:

1. Create a workspace that feels calm, comfortable, and inspiring. Take a moment to scan the room you are working in. Are there at least 3 items that bring you joy in your direct line of vision? If not, rearrange or see if there's something you can add to the space- plants, a throw pillow/blanket, a picture, candles, or crystals. Start creating!

2. Schedule time for movement, hydration, and meditation. Put it on your calendar or task list. Use habit stacking (Atomic Habits by James Clear), so whenever you get up to go to the bathroom or before lunch, you take a little walk, move your body, and fill up your water bottle. Or before you get out of bed and look at your phone, you take a few minutes to meditate. Use a water bottle to track how much you drink each day. Keep a yoga mat, exercise ball, or weights in your office.

3. Set boundaries to protect your energy and time. Come up with go-to responses to use when boundaries are crossed. If you have a co-worker who constantly interrupts you, let them know that you have trouble getting back on track after being interrupted so if it's not urgent could they email you or schedule a time for chit-chat so you can be fully present (if they are a person you want to chat with)? Or set up times that are good for you to connect with others and times where you need to not have interruptions.

No is the sacred yes! When you say no to something (ie. an interruption) you are saying yes to something else (leaving work on time).

4. Surround yourself with people at work and outside of work who genuinely support you and your well-being. 

Avoid energy vampires who suck up all your energy, leaving you feeling drained- you know who they are. 

Avoid engaging in gossip and complaining. These conversations can end up being a way of unhealthy connection with each other, so it’s better to just disengage or find more meaningful ways to connect.

A Metta (Loving Kindness) meditation is great to do with these people in mind. When you start valuing and prioritizing your time, energy, and well-being, you will begin connecting with the right people.

5. Delegate, ask for help, and say no! If you are finding yourself in a frequent state of overwhelm, take a look at your workload and see how you can better manage all your tasks. 

You could group tasks by:

- how easy or hard they are to complete

- types of tasks

- urgency

- tasks I have to do myself, tasks I need to oversee & tasks that can be delegated completely. 

It may be helpful to work with your boss or a team member to prioritize or seek outside help (an assistant, a coach, a therapist, or someone who specializes in the tasks you need completed).

Get in the habit of saying no when people ask you to add something to your plate. You could also get in the habit of saying, “I don’t have time this week, but if you don’t find someone, send me an email next week and I’ll see if it’s something I can help with.” The majority of the time they will find someone else or do it themself. Notice if you are constantly the person people are coming to for help or favors. Then notice how it feels when you say no or when they ask someone else instead of you. Just notice, without judgment. And maybe explore the emotions that come up.

6. Use your PTO! If possible, take time off work to relax or do something that brings you joy. You’ll be much happier at work when you take care of yourself and your needs.

Are you using all of your allotted days or are you letting them go to waste? If you find yourself saving all your days and then losing them, start scheduling days off once a month or once a quarter to do something just for you. Take a free walking tour of your city, visit a museum, or do some meal-prepping.

If you are using all your PTO or sick days for your own health or to care for loved ones, see if you can get someone to take on some responsibilities outside of work, so you can go for a walk, go to the library to read, or enjoy a cup of coffee with a friend. Find an online group that allows you to connect with others who have similar interests, jobs, or struggles. 

Bonus Tip: Find your people. Connect with others! Again, this is worth repeating! There are people out there with similar experiences who would value your friendship and benefit from you sharing your story. Start opening up to the abundance of opportunity that is out there for you.

If you’d like support, techniques, or accountability along your wellness journey, book a free discovery call with me to see if we are a good fit to work together on your goals. You’re worth it!

I truly believe we all have the power to heal ourselves, but sometimes we need a little support and encouragement along the way. I curate holistic experiences for individuals and groups, incorporating yoga, breathwork, meditation, and energy healing into each session. 

Which tip resonates most for you?

  • 1. Create a workspace that feels calm, comfortable...

  • 2. Schedule time for movement, hydration, and meditation.

  • 3. Set boundaries to protect your energy and time.

  • 4. Surround yourself with people at work and outside of work

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