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Valuing Our Teachers Beyond the Classroom

Written by: Kim Brooks

August 30, 2024

"Actions speak louder than words!" We have heard this over and over again, but here's some food for thought: Do your actions actually back up what you are saying or is it just lip service? Sometimes it's not just the thought that counts...

As a society, we often speak about the importance of education, yet too often, we overlook the very individuals who make it possible: our teachers. These professionals are not just caretakers of our children’s education; they are highly trained, experienced, and deeply committed to shaping the future. Yet, despite their crucial role, teachers frequently find themselves undervalued, underappreciated, and overwhelmed.

“One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai

The Hidden Effort Behind Every Lesson

When you walk into a classroom, it’s easy to take for granted the inviting learning environment, the meticulously planned lessons, and the organized resources.

What’s not as visible is the countless hours teachers invest outside of their contractual time—arranging desks, decorating walls, planning lessons, and preparing materials. Many spend their own money on supplies and recruit family members to help set up their classrooms. This work, often done with love and dedication, goes largely unnoticed.

Next time you visit a classroom, take a moment to acknowledge the effort that went into creating that space. Recognize that what you see is the result of weeks of preparation, years of professional training, and a deep commitment to providing the best possible education for every child who walks through the door.

Can kids learn without all of the additional time, energy, and money teachers choose to invest? Absolutely, but the experience is so much better when the room is visually appealing, there are systems in place, and they have resources to make learning more accessible for all children.

Advocacy and Support: Beyond the Classroom Walls

Teachers need more than just a “thank you.” They need tangible support.

This can start with something as simple as asking teachers what would be most helpful to them. While gift cards are appreciated, offering to take something off their plate or advocating for better working conditions can have a much more significant impact.

Actions you can take to advocate for education:

  • Get to know teachers and their struggles and then speak up about the issues they face- don’t base it on your own personal opinions if you’ve never worked in a school

  • Attend school board meetings

  • Vote for politicians who prioritize education

  • Volunteer to help at school events, organize classroom libraries, or complete other helpful tasks.

  • Encourage your children to value and respect their teachers, along with helping to keep the classroom clean and organized.

As seen in many businesses around the globe, we are trying to do more with less resources, staffing, and money.  Teachers are seeing an increase in class sizes, inadequate resources, more testing, and growing demands being placed on them. Teachers often bear the brunt of systemic challenges, and your voice can help bring about the changes needed to support their well-being.

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X

The Importance of Respect and Trust

Beyond material support, what teachers crave most is respect. They hold advanced degrees, undergo continuous professional development, and have years of experience in education. Yet, they are frequently second-guessed by those who may not fully understand the complexities of their work.

Every decision a teacher makes in the classroom is grounded in what they believe is best for their students, based on their training and experience. Trusting their expertise and valuing their professional judgment is essential.

A Better Future Starts with Us

Our children learn by watching the adults around them. If they see us respecting and valuing their teachers, they will grow up understanding the importance of these professionals. If we want a world where people are compassionate, empathetic, and supportive, we must start by modeling those behaviors ourselves.

So, as we move through this school year, let’s make a collective effort to show our teachers that we see them, we hear them, and we value them. Their work is the foundation of our society’s future, and it’s time we started treating it as such.

If you want to support and advocate for teachers, let's connect!


Want to learn more about me and the work I do? 

Here are a few places to start:

Blog posts I've written:

Teacher related podcasts I've been featured on:

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